How Did Simply Mini Meals Start?
So how did Simply Mini Meals start you might ask? The idea came to me soon after I started my Medifast diet. The premise behind Medifast is to eat six meals a day to keep your metabolism active and constantly working to help the weight loss process.
Once I hit my target weight, I transitioned off of the meals and back onto normal foods, but with a healthier outlook and style of life. That’s where the mini meals come in!
I love food and I love to eat which is why eating every 2 to 3 hours works for me! Looking back on when I transitioned to normal meals, I wanted to maintain the idea of “healthy” mini meals so I could eat all the time, but still maintain my weight loss. I thought it would be easy enough to find loads of recipes on the Internet, so I started searching and much to my dismay, I couldn’t find anything! Really?? Really!!
I’m an avid reader of blogs (I use Feedly now that Google Reader is gone..buh bye!), I love to eat *AND* I’m a web developer….why not start a blog that’s about Simply Mini Meals! Hence, this blog was born. Well actually, this blog was born after a lot of research about food blogging and taking pictures of food and the concept of mini meals.
What Exactly IS A Mini Meal?
A mini meal (by definition of me) is a recipe that has in the range of 100 to 300 calories. It’s preferably low-fat, low-carbohydrates and low-sugar. It may be gluten-free, lactose-free, vegan or vegetarian. It’s made from fresh, organic ingredients that can be purchased from places like Trader Joes, Whole Foods or Sprouts (if you live in San Diego). But most of all, it tastes great!!